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Basti Karma

It is mainly of two types; Asthapana Vasti (Decoction enema) and Anuvasana Vasti (Oil enema). They are always performed in tandem with each other often as a course 30, 16 or 8 Vastis.

In Asthapana Vasti Kashaya or decoction is introduced as Enema. It is highly useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, gout, obesity etc. this is also a detoxification therapy.

In Anuvasana Vasti medicated oils are introduced as Enema. It is highly useful in the treatment of osteo Arthritis, spondylitis and Neurological Disorders. This is rejuvenation therapy.

Small doses of oil are administered as enema in Matra Vasti.  It is an easier procedure used to treat chronic neurological conditions. This is rejuvenation therapy.


Vaitarana basti is such a kind of Vasti which has a unique formulation and specific indications. The etymology of Vaitarani in Vaitarani Mahatmya, where it is defined as Vai (truly) tarini (saving) which implies that the timely administration of this Vasti restores the health of the person from the hell of rogas.

Matra basti (therapeutic enema) was given with Bala taila as Vasti is the best treatment for vatavyadhies. It has vatashamaka and rasayana properties. Indigenous compound drug containing Guggulu, Shallaki, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Guduchi, Nirgundi, Kupilu and Godanti was given in one group along with Matra Vasti.

It helps in alleviating constipation, distention, chronic fever, sexual disorders, kidney stones, common cold, neck pain, backache, vomiting and acidity. There are more than 80 disorders which are related to Vata, many of which are treated with Vasti therapy. These may include sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis and gout.