All Rasayana therapies fall under rejuvenation therapies.
Individuals who are eligible for these therapies are:
- Symptoms – sleeplessness, vertigo, forgetfulness, diffuse headache, eye dryness, mouth dryness, snoring due to dryness of palate,
- All chronic diseases like Diabetes, hypertensive, cardiac, cancer, infertility with failed IVF’s, cervical, dorsal, lumbar spondylitis, osteo arthritis cases, post covid, dementia etc, and patients with any old chronic cases.
- Skin diseases like Psoriasis, keloids, lichen planis, vitiligo.
- Old individuals, middle aged with dry skin, very thin person, people with memory loss, eye dryness etc.
- Demilinating diseases, paralysis, parkinsonism, quadriplegia etc.